Join the playful elves at the Elf Lounge for some jolly fun and games! From snowball toss to candy cane races, there's never a dull moment here. Click here to join the merry festivities and make new friends!

The Elf Lounge

All aboard for fun at the Elf Lounge! This is the coolest place for Santa's elves to hang out at the North Pole.

Follow your nose to Bakery and Treats where delightful smells of freshly baked cookies, scrumptious cakes, and other yummy treats fill the air! Click here to peek inside and maybe even learn a secret recipe from the baking elves.

The Bakery

Step right up to Santa's Sweet Shop, the tastiest bakery in the North Pole! The air is filled with the mouthwatering aroma of sugary treats. Elves in tiny aprons and chef hats hustle around whisking, pouring, and decorating delightful desserts to fuel up the hardworking residents of the North Pole.

At the donut station, elves carefully fry up fluffy donuts in all flavors - chocolate, strawberry, cinnamon sugar, and a Sleigh Bell City Special, red and green glazed Christmas donuts! The donuts are still warm as the elves place them into boxes tied up with red and white string.

Over at the cupcake corner, elves mix up chocolate batter and swirl in rainbow sprinkles. Piping bags frost cute little trees, snowmen, and stockings onto vanilla and peppermint cupcakes. Mrs. Claus says their taste is "merry and bright!"

No one is allowed in the top-secret cookie room where Santa's favorite cookies are baked and decorated. Only Cookie Doodle knows Santa's special recipe!

In the kitchen, elves stir bubbling pots of rich hot cocoa topped with marshmallows and candy canes. Others carefully prepare Mrs. Claus's famous triple chocolate cake. Its fudgy layers are Santa's reward for working hard all year. The Sweet Shop Bakery always spreads holiday cheer!

Step into the heart of Christmas magic at Santa's Workshop! Click here to explore where toys are built, dreams come to life, and the spirit of giving shines brightest. You might even catch a glimpse of Santa's red suit!

Santa's Workshop

Ho ho ho! Welcome to Santa's magical workshop at the North Pole! First, we have the main workshop floor. This is where all the magic happens! Here the elves are busy making toys - dolls that walk and talk, trains that go choo choo, and all sorts of fun games. Across the way is Santa's invention workshop, filled with gears, tools, and half-finished toy inventions! Santa loves tinkering and inventing new toys!

Up on the second floor is the wrapping room. This is where the presents get all dressed up in colorful paper and curly bows to surprise kids on Christmas morning! Elves scurry around with armfuls of presents to wrap. Others work at machines that cut and curl the ribbon just right.

Off to the side is a special magic label maker that prints each child's name right on their gift tag!

I hope you enjoyed the tour. Now let's get back to making toys so all the good boys and girls have presents on Christmas morning!

Come and visit our Weather Station where friendly elves keep track of the snowflakes, sunbeams, and rainbows! What's the weather like at the North Pole today?

The Weather Station

Welcome to Santa's top secret North Pole weather station, where his magical elves keep close watch on weather conditions to help Santa's Christmas journey go smoothly.

Let me introduce myself, I am Paddy JingleBottom! I’m in charge of tracking any snow storms, wind gusts, or other weather that could delay Santa on the big night. Sprinkles watches the screens closely, looking at radar maps and weather models. Charlie the meteorologist elf is looking over weather data and crunching numbers on her computer. Twinkle checks current temperatures across the globe, to report back to Santa if any areas are too hot or cold.

The elves take their jobs very seriously! Santa relies on them to keep a close eye on conditions so all the presents arrive safely. Now you know how Santa manages to zip around the world, come rain, snow, or shine!

Venture to Reindeer Cove, where Santa's reindeer prance and play. Click here to meet the reindeer!

Reindeer Cove

Welcome to the Reindeer Cove, where Santa's hardworking reindeer go to play and unwind!

Look, there's Dasher and Prancer playing cards! Dancer and Vixen are munching on carrot cake and hot cocoa at the snack bar to recharge.

Blitzen is racking up a high score on the latest video game. He's an expert at hoof-eye coordination! And Comet is mellowing out in the cozy reading nook, snuggled up with his favorite storybooks.

The elves made sure to decorate the lounge just for the reindeer. There are twinkling lights that look like fireflies to set the mood. And outside there is even a reindeer-sized hot tub!

Santa's reindeer sure have earned some rest and relaxation. The Reindeer Cove is the perfect place for them to unwind with their friends before getting ready for next Christmas!

At Penpal Central, you can send letters to Santa Claus and make new pen pals with children from around the world!

Pen Pal Central

Hooray, it's letter time! Welcome to Pen Pal Central where Santa's reindeer get mail from their Pen Pals all over the world!

When kids write letters to the reindeer, the magical mail-sorting machine zips them right to the North Pole. Mrs. Claus puts on her cozy reading glasses and opens each letter carefully. "Look at all the wonderful letters from children!" she says with a smile.

The reindeer have their very own mailboxes lined up in a row, labeled with their names.

Donner's box overflows with friendly letters. Prancer joyfully trots to his mailbox hoping for a new pen pal. "I can't wait to write back to my new friends!" says Prancer. Dasher and Dancer high-hoof each other when they get letters at the same time. "Let's read them together," says Dasher. The reindeer sit down to write back to each kid, eager to learn more about them.

When Mrs. Claus isn't reading mail, she's busy making hot cocoa for when the reindeer finish replying to their pen pals. Writing letters all day makes them hungry!

Pen Pal Central keeps the holiday cheer going all year long! The reindeer love staying in touch with their pen pals as they get ready for next Christmas.

Welcome to Sleigh Bell City

'Til Christmas!

Ho ho hello! I’m Ellie Tinselton, Santa’s head elf in charge of World Wide Communication here at Sleigh Bell City. I’m 386 years young, but don’t let my twinkly eyes and rosy cheeks fool you – I’m a tech-savvy elf! When I’m not helping Santa improve communications, you can find me ice skating with penguins or sipping hot cocoa by the fire.

As an elf who has traveled the globe with Santa, I’ve picked up 42 languages along the way. That helps me keep in touch with all of Santa’s operation centers worldwide! My job is to make sure Santa and his reindeer can easily coordinate with his elves across the world to bring holiday magic to good girls and boys everywhere.

If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I’m always happy to spread holiday cheer! Until then, I’m off to help Santa check his list and polish his sleigh bells. Let me know if you need anything to help you get into the Christmas spirit!

Ho ho ho and happy holidays!
Ellie Tinselton, Chief Elf of WWC


“A fantastic children’s book that will stir up magical holiday feelings!”

What’s Next

Future happening for the Reindeer and Sleigh Bell City

There are some exciting things happening for the reindeer and their friends. The reindeer want to share the magical essence of Christmas and Sleigh Bell City with other reindeer of the world. 

They are inviting reindeer from around the world to play in reindeer games that serve as tryouts to be the next generation to pull Santa’s sleigh!

Cookie Doodle and JuJu Bean also have an adventurous year as they take on new recipes at the bakery!

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